Here is a sampling of some commission pieces I did over the holidays. Again, everything is hand fabricated from sterling silver, except for the actual chain on the necklace. I am still working on putting together some new pieces for my men's collection, so stay posted!
This necklace is a pendant that is actually an urn. The body of the piece has been domed in front and angled in the back to resemble the feeling of a worry stone. Inside are the ashes of a loved one and the tab in front is a permanent fixture that keeps the ashes safely inside. It has been textured from the forming process and retains the discoloration partially from the heating process and partially from a patina added after the fact.

This is a bracelet I made as well. Each link is hand drawn silver, formed and then soldered together. They are all shaped a little differently to make it more visually interesting than just a simple chain bracelet. There is also a star charm added at the closure end for fun. This piece has been hammered to death to give it texture and strength. Some links have a patina to emphasize the texture, others are polished to a bright silver to catch the light.
This was my very first belt buckle! Thanks to Celia Grey (, I was able to get all of the measurements and weights right so it not only would be good looking, but functional too! This piece has three layers stacked
on top of one another to build depth, as
well as the
texturing and grid like markings. It is soldered together, but I added rivets because I think rivets are always cool. They have a great mechanical, old world quality about me. The form was great fun to design, but the real challenge was the functional elements on the back. All in all, I think it turned out great and I look forward to making another one.

That is all for now, but I have a lot of new stuff to show you, so don't be disappointed yet! I am trying to do a better job of describing the pieces, and not just showing you pictures. Hopefully that is something you all will like and it will encourage you to check back in more often! Also, I am thinking about joining the rest of the world on
face book, so I will go ahead and tell you now.....I am going to ask you to be my friend!